Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about RebateWeb. For further assistance, please contact the Conduent RebateWeb Administrator.
How do I register to use RebateWeb?
Do I have to be a Conduent customer/client?
To register for RebateWeb, please click here to submit your request OR
contact the Conduent RebateWeb Administrator at The following information will be required:
Organization Name
DRAMS Address/Interface
Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
City, State, Zip
Organization Administrator Name
OrgAdmin Email
OrgAdmin Phone Number
OrgAdmin Fax Number
No, you do not have to be a Conduent customer/client. RebateWeb was designed to be a stand-alone product. It does, however, interface with Conduent's Drug Rebate and Analysis Management System (DRAMS) software.
As stated in question 2, Conduent offers its DRAMS system as a payer side drug rebate software solution.
Conduent also provides extensive PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Management) Services. Conduent is a full-service, independent provider of PBM services that combines a state-of-the-art transaction processing system with expertise in clinical and professional pharmacy services. Examples of our other PBM services include:
• Advanced integrated clinical programs
• Claims Adjudication
• Plan design
• Network development
• Online Prior Authorization (PA)
• Online Prospective Drug Utilization Review (Pro-DUR)
• Plastic identification cards
• Retrospective Drug Utilization Review (Retro-DUR)
• Extensive, robust and flexible reporting capabilities
To learn more about our PBM products, please visit our website at
To find out about RebateWeb's browser requirements visit our Browser Compatibility page.